Thursday, November 18, 2010

Back to reality...

Waking up Wednesday morning was the saddest I've been since I left my blood family at the airpot a few weeks ago.  Teena and Maninder again woke up with me at 7am to eat breakfast and drink tea before we headed to the airport to catch my flight.  When we arrived at the airport Maninder again gave me the choice of going to arrivals instead of departures.  I assured him that if my graduation did not depend on it, of course arrivals would be my destination of choice.  Maninder said farewell to me at the car and Teena walked me up as far as she could to say goodbye.  There wasn't much time between when I got to the airport and when my plane was scheduled to take off so I didn't have too much time to be sad, but it hit me when I got on the plane and my seat was already taken by someone who was given the same seat.  Because I got there second, I was brought to the front of the plane in one of two rows of business class and remaind there for the flight.  An adorable young couple with an eight month old sat next to me. I know what you're thinking, but actually the baby was a great distraction and didn't cry the entire way!  As I landed, I realized I was heading back to school the next day, which felt rather "average" compared to the past few days I've spent traveling and seeing these amazing places.  Finally I reached home and collapsed on my bed- the exhaustion from the past few days had hit me.  The rest of my day was spent recapping the wonderful visit I'd had with my new Indian family and being incredibly lazy- just the day I needed.  Today, I woke up at 6am as I had the past few days, but new a different kind of adventure was in store for me that did not include seeing the places of the world, but teaching the young faces of the world who will hopefully have the privilidge to see these sites some day.  As I began my unit teaching standard three, I was welcomed with open arms and open minds, which was a big change from where I was last week.  I was excited to be there and it seemed that the students, as well as the teachers, enjoyed the lesson!  Being back at school wasn't as bad as I thought and was happy to see the familiar faces who were happy to see me.  The students in standard three were excited that I'd be teaching them and the other students I've taught since I've been here now say hi to me in the hall and are excited when they pass me. 
Now, I'll enjoy the next few days exploring Bangalore and attending shabbat services tomorrow night for the first time at a chabad.  To be honest, I'm not sure how I feel about going to a chabad, but at the same time, I need to feel some sense of shabbat and Judaism while I'm here.  Although I've been praying by myself and definitely getting something out of it, there is something about being in a community that brings a different warmth to the experience.  When I was at college I basically refused to even try the chabad simply because Hillel wasn't for me.  However, since it's either the chabad or nothing, I figure I may as well experience this in Bangalore rather than not even try it while I'm here.  Not to worry, I will be sure to share what it is like.  Not to steal your line Jordan, but congradulations to those of you who have made it through the pages of my adventures in the north!  The rest of the pictures are in my facebook albums. Sending all my love from India!

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